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read a little of Thomas Friedman's World is Flat, also assigned to me when I was 18, then read:
this takedown of him by Belén Fernández and
THIS takedown of him by Edward Said
and THIS explication of Said's takedown by Belén Fernández again


everyone got me on April fool's day: no bias convinced me there was a fremont 420 rave, I believed there would be a 45 minute ai-powered train connecting LA and SF in 2026. am I gullible, or is it just impossible to know what's real anymore?

read a strange piece called "Ecologies of Labor in Pasta." it was exactly how it sounds like it will be. the website was hip but I had to make sense of phrases like "cosmogonies of ingredients" and "ecologies of labor", alongside throwaway quotes from Benjamin about how traditions are ever-changing and from the German Ideology. also, I think I'm pretty smart, but I cannot for the life of me understand the distinction between reproductive labor and (re)productive labor.

though, I liked this part that talked about the tools one used/s to make pasta:
"Tools like stalks of wheat and metal spokes were used to create macaroni-like shapes with holes going through them in the absence of more industrial extruders. Riding spurs became the formal jumping off point for a scalloped pasta cutter or “rotella tagliapasta”. A guitar is the namesake for the tool developed for pasta “chitarra”, an Abruzzan version of fettuccine cut on taut wires strung like those on a guitar."

I was recommended this piece by a friend who was into this girl's work on pastas. (is it diminutive to refer to people who are by any metric full-fledged women as girls?) she has an are.na board on pasta, which I think makes her a girl. on it, she has pictures of pasta she has made. I like those the best.

pasta girl, if you ever read this, please don't take my worm as criticism. I am thankful to have a piece to respond to, floating in the abyss.

in other news, I finished severance, the second book in my brilliant friend, and a brief excerpt of Saskia Sassen I was assigned to read in a sociology class when I was 18.

"In the Kutch grasslands, ‘bhagiyas’ are in decline – and their vast, indigenous knowledge"
